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Category: Blog

The Cushman School: Class of 2023
Class of 2023

Class of 2023

Dear Cushman Community, As part of our ongoing senior celebrations, we want to showcase this impressive group of students as they complete their final chapter of high school and prepare to graduate from Cushman's iconic blue gates. It has been so rewarding to watch these
Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!


Dear Cushman Families, Welcome to a new school year! I hope the summer has been an enjoyable one for you and your family with many new memories made. We have been eagerly planning for the arrival of your children. There is no doubt that this

2022 SAMx Showcase

2022 SAMx Showcase

During their high school journey, Cushman students are challenged by our unique Society and Me (SAM) programming to become innovators of change. In this four-year course, students design and implement solutions to issues they identify as critical to the future of our communities, on a