Sharing the Joy of Reading
It is that time of year to lasso our favorite books and ‘round-up’ for The Cushman School’s 16th annual Reading Round-Up. Everyone, children and adults, were encouraged to dress in western attire! Our objective remains to create chances for parents to participate actively, and this

Keep your Kids Active and Engaged this Summer
Wow. That went by quick! It may seem crazy to think about, but the school year is almost over. It’s time to start planning for summer. One of the big concerns for educators at this time of year is how to help their students avoid

Cushman High Rocks!

Artist-in-Residence Leads Students in Meaningful Mosaic
This past school year’s Artist-in-Residence Carlos Alves led our eighth-grade students in a week-long creative process that culminated with this spectacular mosaic located off the Middle School amphitheater and lunch area! This impressive work of collaboration represents our school spirit and unity, despite the many

Educational Excursions Empowering Tomorrow’s Innovators of Change

What Colleges Are Looking for In Students
As the application process to colleges and universities becomes more and more competitive, students are needing to find ways, in addition to good grades, to stand out. When all things are equal concerning a student’s transcripts, it’s often something else that helps set them apart

Students Pledge for Success
As part of Cushman’s curriculum that focuses on inspiring strength of character, primary and elementary students recite the “Pledge for Success” daily and students in all divisions refer to it often. The “Pledge for Success” reinforces Cushman’s commitment to helping students become responsible, empathetic and

Joy + Ambition = Success
Happy, motivated students dream bigger dreams and do better in school. This may seem like a bold statement but it’s proven by years of education and neuroscience research. We know that the human brain, especially the developing human brain, processes information better when it is