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Author: alex

The Power of YOU

Dear Cushman Community, Welcome to this celebratory, 100th year! I hope each of you and your family are well and that you have been enjoying all of the lazy-hazy, kind of summer-fun days that these months offer! I hope you have taken the time to

Celebrating a Century of Excellence

The Cushman School celebrates its 100th anniversary entering the 2024-2025 school year. As Miami-Dade’s oldest, continuously-operating, private school, it is with great pride that the original purpose is more relevant than ever a century later; the School continues to meet the demands of its students

Academic Rigor Challenges its High School Students

For an intentionally, boutique-sized high school, Cushman High School offers an impressive number of Advanced Placement courses, internship programs and dual enrollment opportunities for students seeking rigorous academic tracks. The School’s small class sizes allow for time and personalized instruction from Cushman’s master educators in

Sharing the Joy of Reading

It is that time of year to lasso our favorite books and ‘round-up’ for The Cushman School’s 16th annual Reading Round-Up. Everyone, children and adults, were encouraged to dress in western attire! Our objective remains to create chances for parents to participate actively, and this

Keep your Kids Active and Engaged this Summer

Wow. That went by quick! It may seem crazy to think about, but the school year is almost over. It’s time to start planning for summer. One of the big concerns for educators at this time of year is how to help their students avoid