Dear Cushman Community,
Welcome to this celebratory, 100th year! I hope each of you and your family are well and that you have been enjoying all of the lazy-hazy, kind of summer-fun days that these months offer! I hope you have taken the time to rest and refresh as the work we will strive to do and the joy we will experience together this 2024-2025 centennial school year will be unmatched! As integral members of our beloved School, I hope you join me in feeling the pride of being part of The Cushman School’s 100th year of history, with its implementation of our mission and Dr. Cushman’s Philosophy of character first.
I am eager to launch this year’s theme, the Power of YOU, with each of you, our employees and the children. One hundred years ago, it took the vision, dedication and the Power of One, Dr. Laura Cushman, to establish our School and set into motion the foundation of ideals which so prominently and positively impact and influence each of us as we find joy and love in our school community, work and play, and life experiences. Over the past 100 years, while withstanding the test of time, it took the Power of each Board Chair and member, each educator, each staff member and administrator, each parent, and each student to commit themselves to Dr. Cushman’s Philosophy in their hearts and minds, and we expanded and grew our programs for children. I am so proud and deeply appreciative to have you as a Cushman parent, and there is no parent group as engaged and helpful as you! Thank you! As we enter Cushman’s next 100 years, it will once again require the commitment of each member of our Cushman family for us to thrive in this ever-evolving world. It will take the Power of YOU, and I urge you to continue with our partnership so we can improve the Cushman experience for your children and for those who will walk through Cushman’s blue gates in the future. I greatly look forward to your engagement with us during this very special, centennial year!
We have been preparing for your children all summer! We have read books and research articles and have attended various enriching, professional development opportunities. Upon the employees’ return next week, we will also learn more about the implementation of appropriate Artificial Intelligence (AI). We are all looking forward to implementing what we have learned so your children continue to learn and grow in happy surroundings, while being presented with an engaging, relevant curriculum. There is nothing more important than fulfilling our calling, with love and great care, for your children. The lists below depict a snapshot of this summer’s professional development. You will also read about some of the capital projects that have been completed or are underway that will beautify our warm, loving learning spaces and campus and enrich our programming. I want to especially thank you, our wonderful CSPA, for the new Elementary School turf on the playground. It looks beautiful and the children will be thrilled to play on it!
I mentioned at the last Cushman School Parent Association (CSPA) meeting prior to the school year ending that I would be hiring a dedicated Risk and Safety Director. I look forward to your meeting Mr. Kenneth Thompson, who holds a degree in Criminal Justice/Homeland Security and comes to us with vast knowledge and experience. Working for the Department of Homeland Security, overseeing various aspects of Miami International Airport’s security and Customs and Border Protection to deter potential agricultural threats, terrorist attack threats, smuggling, theft and immigration related issues and collaborating with and serving as a liaison between the United States Secret Service, Miami Dade Aviation, Miami Dade Police, and Miami Dade Fire & Rescue Department regarding all airport security operations are just a few of his past responsibilities. These experiences have provided Mr. Thompson with great insight on how we can maintain and strengthen Cushman’s safety for all constituencies.
I look forward to welcoming you back during the first days of school! Until that time, please continue to bask in relaxation and fun, and, most importantly, give your children a hug from me!
With love,

To prepare for the 2024-2025 school year, please click on the blue button below to go to your Parent Portal and access the Back-to-School page. There, you will find important information about the school year. Be certain to follow the links to the Magnus and School Pass apps where you can enter any required information for health, athletics and pick up/drop off. If you have any questions, please call our Main Office at: 305-757-1966.