During their high school journey, Cushman students are challenged by our unique Society and Me (SAM) programming to become innovators of change. In this four-year course, students design and implement solutions to issues they identify as critical to the future of our communities, on a local, national, and even global scale. Students are empowered with the time and resources to create their own solutions as part of our student-centered, process-based learning curriculum. Required for all Cushman High School students, SAM is much more than community service; it is about creating lasting positive change. This coursework requires daily focus, and it is a core component of what distinguishes Cushman High School, giving Cushman students a competitive edge!
Aside from their independent research, students collaborate with government officials, non-profit organizations, and community activists as well as learn from guest speakers who are invited to campus. Topics range from mental health and eating disorders to preserving the environment and combating hunger and human trafficking. The end result is a more informed and engaged graduate who has produced a tangible result that demonstrates how they can make a difference.
This is the 21st century mindset that colleges and universities as well as employers desire in applicants. Colleges want individuals who know how to think critically, problem solve, and develop solutions to complex problems. Cushman High School empowers its students by developing in them the skills needed to identify a topic, pose questions, research, analyze, effectively communicate ideas, and implement solutions.
Each year, students present their accomplishments at the SAMx Showcase. This event effectively demonstrates just how productive and meaningful the SAM Challenge truly is for our students and those they help. Their presentations are more than compelling; they are powerful mechanisms for awareness, insight, and change. Congratulations to Cushman’s innovators of change.